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FAQ About Water!

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What Are the Steps in Water Treatment Process?

They typically consist of several steps in the treatment process. These include: (1) Collection ; (2) Screening and Straining ; (3) Chemical Addition ; (4) Coagulation and Flocculation ; (5) Sedimentation and Clarification ; (6) Filtration ; (7) Disinfection ; (8) Storage ; (9) and finally Distribution.

What Are the 7 Methods of Water Treatment?

Coagulation / Flocculation: Coagulation is adding liquid aluminum sulfate or alum and/or polymer to raw or untreated water. The resulting mixture causes the dirt particles in the water to coagulate or stick together.

Sedimentation: When water and flocs undergo the treatment process, they go into sedimentation basins. Here, water moves slowly, making the heavy floc particles settle to the bottom.

Filtration: In filtration, water passes through a filter, which is made to take away particles from the water. Such filters are composed of gravel and sand or sometimes crushed anthracite.

Disinfection: Before water goes into the distribution system, it is disinfected to get rid of disease-causing bacteria, parasites and viruses. Chlorine is also applied since it is very effective.

Sludge Drying: Solids that have been gathered and removed from water via sedimentation and filtration are transferred to drying lagoons.

Fluoridation: Fluoridation treats water supplies of communities to adjust the concentration of free fluoride ions to an optimal level so that dental cavities can be reduced.

pH Correction: To adjust pH levels, lime is combined with filtered water. This, also, stabilizes naturally soft water so corrosion can be minimized in the water distribution system and plumbing of customers.

What Are 3 Different Methods of Water Treatment?

When reverse osmosis is not available, there are 3 water purification methods that you can use to make your water safe for drinking.

Boiling: Boiling water is the cheapest and safest method of water purification. Water sources and or channels of distribution may render your water unsafe.

Filtration: Filtration is one of the effective ways of purifying water and when using the right multimedia filters it’s effective in ridding water of the compounds.

Distillation: Distillation is a water purification method that utilizes heat to collect pure water in the form of vapor. This method is effective by the scientific fact that water has a lower boiling point than other contaminants and disease-causing elements found in water.

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